
Wintery Camp

Last week I had a chance to spend some time up at camp. It was blanketed in snow…as expected in February in NH!

It was a beautiful bluebird day at the lake and I started by doing my rounds of the buildings and making sure everything was OK. This has been a super mild winter so far with not much snow but enough to look nice!

The cabins were all in great shape. As I finished checking on everything I grabbed the below shot from the porch on cabin 5. You can see the frozen lake beyond the trees.

With a bit of time to spare I decided to run up Mt. Molly (the mountain that many of our campers have climbed with us to take in views of Merrymeeting Lake).

The path up was mostly untouched so we (Tuckerman and I) had to break the trail. Once up top it was limitless views and lots of sunshine.

On the way out I stopped for a quick shot in front of the clubhouse.

Views for days.

It’s always fun to get outside!


time to reserve your space

We are not a high-pressure kind of camp but we wanted to let everyone know that we are already 65% full for the summer and it is only February! If you are thinking about signing up you should hop off the fence and reserve your week(s). Last summer we turned away over 30 families because we were all filled up and I do not want to disappoint any prospective campers who are excited about Water Monkey!

If you have a question about availability feel free to e-mail or call any time.


617-855-9253 /

Winter @ camp

I was up at camp this past weekend checking things out and doing a few small projects. While I cannot wait for spring and boats and good times I do love how nice and clean the place looks all covered in snow.

water monkey in iceland!

I took a quick trip to Iceland this past long weekend and it was stunning! With two young dudes of my own (2.5 years old and 15 months old) I have not been traveling as much as I like so even a five day mini-adventure was an absolute blast. While the northern lights ended up being elusive, we did experience limitless scenic views, hot springs, waterfalls, glaciers, friendly people and insanely good food. The fresh seafood was unreal and - please do not send hate mail because I already feel bad about it - we ate whale! (It was a surprise part of a nine-part tasting menu and it was delicious but for the sake of the whales I would not have chosen to order that.) See below for a few selected photos from our trip!

Come and meet me at the new england boat show!

This weekend (February 9 and 10) I will be at the MasterCraft booth at the New England Boat Show. Stop by to check out all of the awesome new boats and toys and find me to chat about camp! The boat show is always a good time and a great excuse to get to the Boston Seaport.

See you there!
